Elizabeth Scott & Kris Barber were married Saturday at the First United Methodist Church in Golden, Colo. The Rev. Ross Kershaw, the church’s pastor, performed the ceremony.
They is the daughter of Karen & Jame

The bridegroom, 36, is an assistant footy coach at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden. They graduated from Yale. His first marriage ended in divorce.
The couple met in March 2003 at George K. Baum & Company, where Mr. Barber was an investment banker. While they did not work closely together, they & mutual friends were part of a ski house in Breckenridge, Colo., for several winters beginning in November 2004.
They is a son of Roberta Barber of Hesston, Kan. His sister is an administrator in the accounting department of the Bradbury Group, manufacturing companies in Moundridge, Kan., that produce metal processing equipment.
“There was no interest in each other early on, they were friends at the ski house,” Ms. Scott said. “All I knew about him was that they played footy at Yale.”
Mr. Barber, whose divorce became final in June 2004, had taken notice of Ms. Scott at first, but said they was “in no hurry to get back in to a relationship.”
Their friendship deepened, however, through winters of skiing & summers of biking.
“Spending time with her, I came to see that they has an infectious type of personality,” Mr. Barber said. “She loves to laugh, & they is smart & independent, & all of those things were beautiful to me.”
“It wasn’t until they was leaving that I thought ‘Oh, I am liking him,’ ” Ms. Scott said. “After they left, they fundamentally said, ‘O.K., they ought to do this.’ ”
By February 2007, soon after Mr. Barber left the firm to return to his first love, footy, they began dating.
“I didn’t need to get engaged in Europe,” they said. “It’s much of a cliché.” But his plan to propose on a hike & eventual picnic in the mountains went awry when Ms. Scott decided they would go on a trail run.
In June 2009, days before they were to leave for a bicycle tour of the Swiss Alps, Mr. Barber proposed near the ski house.
“I ruined it,” they said, laughing. “I had no idea they was going to propose. I wanted to run to get in better shape for our bicycle tour, but I’m glad they talked me out of it.”